Our Portfolio of Brands Created

My Business Basics Coach helped me create a business lifestyle brand including an eBook/resource guide that uses my personal challenges and triumphs to help others who need the information I have learned. Teaching me to "innovate out of hardship," it's incredible how My Business Basics Coach listened to me, highlighted key points, and arranged my information into a business brand that helps me succeed in the modern economy.

We have plans to build out additional products like courses, coaching, memberships, and more eBooks when we are ready, so the process is manageable for me while I work my "day job." Disclosure: The founder of My Business Basics Coach is my Mom, but she is the best and you will see why after you visit my site.

Click here to view the Ash Elemental brand and Ebook/resource guide.

It's me, Nanette Finn, founder of My Business Basics Coach and I want to show you what I can do for you. I have many business brands and The Plumber's Wife was another way to "innovate out of hardship" as I took an early diagnosis and turned it into a brand to help others with the information I learned. In addition, I wrote a 7 book series on "Life Well-lived Planning" that helps families get organized and live their best lives. See how I created that brand and product line here: Estate Planning that's Life Well-lived Planning by Earth Adventures For Kids LLC.

Click here to view The Plumber's Wife brand and Ebook/resource guide.

My Business Basics Coach revamped my business brand for the better. Even though the founder of My Business Basics Coach is my wife, I know they are the best with re-brands and updating businesses for the modern economy. My "Web 2.0 website" was outdated and now I have a website that is "Web 3.0 capable" and ready for me to build-out my new ventures in my 30-year old company that is in the process of evaluating and upgrading all components. My Business Basics Coach is teamed up with the best mentors like Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, and Jeff Lerner's Entre Institute.

Click here to view Finn Plumbing Inc. rebrand with new Web 3.0 capabilities.

Meet Nanette.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nanette-finn/

Email: NFinn@GrantCardoneTeam.com

The founder of My Business Basics Coach, Nanette specializes in looking at the overall picture of business and household management---connecting key components to get results.

The management picture looks like "cogs in a wheel," and the cogs drive you forward to get you where you want to go. Nanette helps you identify the cogs in the wheel for your situation and see if any need updating, replacing, or removing depending upon the results you have been getting and where you want to go.

Partnered with Grant Cardone, as a licensed 10X Business Coach, Nanette helps you tap into the success systems, tools, and mindset of Grant Cardone and his network. In addition to working with Grant Cardone and his team, I am in regular training with Tai Lopez and Jeff Lerner's Entre Institute.

Schedule a 60-minute Zoom call

by emailing me at info@MyBusinessBasicsCoach.com---current price $125 for 60-minutes. We recommend reading the Free Guide by My Business Basics Coach before booking your session.

We offer 3 Coaching Programs to help you

Fast-track your success.

Our 90-day plans help you reach your goals. Join our ecosystem and get the tools, systems, and mindset of the Grant Cardone and My Business Basics Coach team.

Special Offer:

Get your message out

and grow your business!

As part of our coaching, in Plan 3, we help you get on stages, and reach more people with your products and services. Need help creating your talk, including finding and growing your audiences? We can help. See PLAN 3 to Grow Your Business Fast.

We can also help you write your eBook/Resource Guide

that gets your message out. Books are like a business card that can grow your business . . . and we know how to get books started, developed, and done---most often within 90 days depending on the topic and amount of research and development needed.

Buy some of our books and eBook/resource guides listed below

to see what we have done for our brands and what we can do for you.

The Plumber's Wife:

Changing the Way America Thinks About Cardiovascular

Ash Elemental:

Changing the Way America Thinks About Food and Health from the Gut to the Galaxy

In print on Amazon:
How to Create a Treasure Legacy Collection: The Ultimate Guide to Living Your Best Life Now 

Digital copy:

How to Create a Treasure Legacy Collection: The Ultimate Guide to Living Your Best Life Now

Review our 3 Plans.

Each plan is $500 monthly

and we recommend that you embark on one plan at a time.

Each week, we will have a 90-minute Zoom call with you to develop and evaluate the 5 steps in the context of the plan you choose below. Through our tested process, we’ll help you find clarity in what you need and help you maximize your efforts for each of your identified key components.


Dashboard Management

Whether you’ve been in business for a while or are starting for the first time, this plan is built for people who want help looking at the overall management picture of their business or household. Each week, we will have a 90-minute Zoom call to discuss, implement and review the 5 steps as applied to your situation:

  • Explore
  • Opportunity and Research
  • Plan, Create, and Execute
  • Optimization
  • Tracking, Reporting, and Growing
  • Homework is assigned each week for you to complete.
  • Every situation is unique and sometimes one or two small changes can make a big difference in positive outcomes.
  • Having a fresh expert eye to give perspective can help you see new possibilities that can have big payoffs. Use old-school principles with technology in the modern economy to get you the results you want.
  • You can start with Plan 1 and aspire to Plan 2.


Free Guide Follow-Up

For those who read our Free Guide and want help and accountability going through each of the points. Each week you will have a 90-minute Zoom call to:

  • Look at your cash flow and stop the leaks
  • Learn new ways to increase your income
  • Learn to build your unique Business/Lifestyle Brand
  • Establish your Tax Planning Framework
  • Learn ways to negotiate your debt and bill payments
  • Homework is assigned each week for you to complete.
  • The possibilities and options discussed are for you to research further and take to your professional advisors.
  • Even if you have a team that handles your financial picture and business affairs, you will benefit from getting this type of "self-audit" of your business and finances.
  • You can begin with Plan 1, aspire to Plan 2, and then top it off with Plan 3!


Grow Your Business Fast

Establish yourself as a leader and stay at the top of your game with our help in getting you on stages with your message to grow your business fast. We help create your income-producing product suite of books and courses to enhance your stage message. Each week, we will have a 90-minute Zoom call to assist you with creating your content for one of the following:

  • Create your talk and get on stages to grow your business.
  • Online store/website with your unique affiliate income Lifestyle Brand Marketplace
  • Book to upload on Amazon
  • Your eBook/Resource Guide
  • Landing page for eBook/Resource Guide
  • Digital Course
  • With our proven methods, we keep you on track and help you get content ready to submit to our network of vetted professionals including editors and our preferred publisher, if you choose.

Each of our 3 Plans has 5 Steps of Focus:



This is not a templated approach. We know every single business and client is unique. We’ll work with you to explore, research, and understand your business. This is where we identify the key components (cogs in the wheel) and see what is working for you and what is not.


Opportunity and Research

Your competitors may be doing the same thing, but we’ll help you navigate the world of opportunity. There’s always room to improve and innovate and we can help you differentiate from the competition. We will work with you to create options and see what is possible. This is where we see what "cogs in the wheel" need updating, revising, replacing, eliminating, and adding in order to get you the results you want. This is the realm of possibilities and options.


Plan, Create, and Execute

Through a flexible approach, we’ll create a roadmap to completion, create and execute. This is where your plan will really come to life - where you take your options and discuss them with your professional advisors. Here, you will make decisions on what to implement, develop your timeline, and work your plan.



This is where we look for improvement on what is there, including searching for, finding, and considering the best platforms and technology for your situation. Getting platforms and technology to work for you, we online search with you, identify your problems and find solutions, analyze them with you, and help you narrow down which choices will best serve you. Related to the Opportunity and Research step, in Optimization, sometimes we try a Free Trial from a platform, only to find that hey, it was not right for you and we might try another - or you might decide no high tech platform in that area is best for now, and keep it low tech.


Tracking, Reporting, and Growing

Your business is an ever-evolving thing. Through tracking and reporting, we’ll help you monitor your path to 1-month goals, 3-month goals, and 12-month goals, and help make sure you are moving forward.

5-Steps of Focus in 3 different plans.

Our plans are month-to-month contracts that can be canceled at any time with a 30-day notice. You will work with Grant Cardone 10X Business Coach Nanette Finn one-on-one developing the 5 steps to see what moves you in the direction you want to go, building on past experiences and knowledge, and creating, implementing, and refining systems so that you get the results you want.

Our No Judgment Policy: We know how it feels to be in the room with an accountant, IRS agent, attorney, financial advisor, consultant, coach, and mentor. We come from a place of understanding and know the path of the business owner and household manager because we have been, and we are in "your shoes." We have been in many experiences and learned through it all. We are just here to listen and help. All coaching sessions are confidential, and the information discussed is confidential. We can sign non-disclosure and non-compete agreements if you provide them.

Our coaching clients gain access to Personal Finance and Wealth Creation online, recorded lessons delivered by Grant Cardone. Designed to get your mindset thinking of possibilities, these lessons cover different types of mistakes made and ways to create multiple flows of income.

Disclaimer: We do not guarantee results and recommend that you take the options and possibilities discussed to your professional advisors for decision-making. You are always in the key decision-maker role, and we are simply discussing options and possibilities as we have learned in our years of experience. By joining our coaching program, you acknowledge that the information provided to you is for discussion and consideration, and it is not intended to be advice that you take action on except with your professional advisors.

As with any real business, additional costs can be part of the process. Different technology platforms have costs, and some of the additional work required by experts may have costs. We help you stick to your budget, make decisions, and choose what path is best for you right now. There are ways to "do it yourself" and have others "do it for you." You will likely have a learning curve - some more or less than others. We have gone the path before you and will assist you along your path. We strive to find the easiest, best route for your situation, and you can benefit from our experience through our past trial and error, shortening your path to success.

©2023 My Business Basics Coach. All Rights Reserved.

Privacy Cardone Ventures 4800 N Scottsdale Rd #5500, Scottsdale, AZ 85251